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I Know the Witnesses and I Will Believe Them; There is No Need for Cross-Examination: A Rare Example of Arbitrator Bias Before English Courts

Kluwer Arbitration

The Helow approach is consistent with the statement of principle of the Privy Council in Miller v Dickson [2001] UKPC D 4 : “The appearance that justice is being done is as important as the actual doing of justice. The principle is far too important to allow it to be passed over [….]”

Insurance 104
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Bahrain Court of Cassation Explains the Effects of Mediation on the Arbitration Agreement

Kluwer Arbitration

This would be in line with article 125 of the Civil Code 19 of 2001 which addresses the interpretation of contracts. This understanding may influence the way courts interpret the parties’ agreement in cases of doubt.

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The Eco Oro and Red Eagle Awards: Recent Divergence on How to Interpret Fair and Equitable Treatment Clauses Linked to the Minimum Standard of Treatment

Kluwer Arbitration

In recent years, many States have signed investment treaties containing this type of clause based on the US Model BIT (2004), which itself reflects NAFTA case law following the FTC 2001 Note of Interpretation , which clarified that tribunals must apply the MST and no other standard. But these few isolated decisions remain outliers.

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State-Funded Arbitration Institutions and Responsibility under International Law: The Case of Istanbul Arbitration Centre

Kluwer Arbitration

A Review Under the Rules of Attribution of Conduct In relation to the first question, guidance can be found in the Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts ( Draft Articles ) adopted by the UN International Law Commission in 2001.

Finance 40
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Government Contracts Issues for a Recession

Procurement Notes

3] The last eight recessions include the 2020 COVID-19 recession, the 2007-2009 Great Recession, the 2001 dot-com recession, the 1990-1991 savings & loan crisis recession, the 1981-1982 second double dip recession, the 1980 first double dip recession, 1973-1975 oil crisis recession, and the 1969-1970 guns and butter recession. [4]

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2023 Washington Arbitration Week Recap: The Interplay Between ICJ and ISDS, the Eyes of International Adjudication Are Humanized

Kluwer Arbitration

The program bridged and expanded the discussion that took place at a highly popular program featured in the 2022 edition of WAW on the influence of public international law (“PIL”) on ISDS (read the prior KAB coverage here ). 2001-4, Partial Award, 17 March 2006.

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Mongolia: Investment Related Developments in the Mining Sector

Kluwer Arbitration

More recent advancements in Mongolia’s international investment initiatives include the Canada-Mongolia BIT (2016) and Japan-Mongolia Economic Partnership Agreement (2015) (which replaced and superseded the Japan-Mongolia BIT (2001) ).