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European Court of Auditors publishes report on public procurement

The European Court of Auditors published yesterday its report on EU public procurement between 2011 and 2021 , looking into the competition for public contracts covered by EU rules. The problem is how to go forward from here but the time to start thinking is now. Its deadline was 18 April 2019.

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Slide deck for last week's workshop on sustainability and public procurement

As promised, you can find the (edited) slide deck for my workshop on sustainability in public procurement here. The essential of my view is that a broad stroke transition to mandatory sustainable procurement objectives is misguided and probably in breach of the principle of proportionality as well.

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Portugal's plan for mandatory green public procurement

The Portuguese government is planning to introduce mandatory green public procurement criteria in the near future. This means the public sector in Portugal will have less than 3 months to adapt to a fairly significant change in the way it carries out public procurement.

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Some reflections on the Commission's communication on the Public Procurement Data Space

Albert has already done a deep dive into the Commission's recent Communication on the Public Procurement Data Space , so for those of you that are yet to get acquainted with the Communication his blogpost is probably the best starting point. We need a new round of Directives - or if I had my way - a Public Procurement Regulation.

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How South Korea enables its green transition through green public procurement

Open Contracting Partnership

South Korea has been a pioneer of green public procurement (GPP) since 2005 , when the Environment Ministry enacted legislation mandating government agencies to buy “green products” whenever possible. Since 2014, the proportion has remained stable, as the latest KIP analysis shows.

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Portugal's plan for mandatory green public procurement (III - food procurement)

This is a textbook example of artificially narrowing down competition as established by Article 18(1) of the Directive 2014/24/EU. This is a protectionist measure of the type I have been warning about for ten years how sustainability was going to be weaponised as a protectionist move. The second is more puzzling. What is a growing season?

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On the current Portuguese transpostion of Article 72 Directive 2014/24/EU

As mentioned on yesterday's blogpost, one of the doubts I had on my mind was on the legality of the transposition of Article 72 of Directive 2014/24/EU into Portugal in its current draft of Article 370 of the Public Contracts Code.

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